Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going Green

"We're Going Green". That's a phrase I've heard a lot lately. What exactly does that mean? What all does it involve? I'll be honest and tell you that if it means I have to give up our hot tub and my diet coke....I ain't goin' there.

I understand the whole wasting less idea. I do. But, I just don't get the frenzy behind it. People have had garbage for a bazillion years and we've not run out of room yet. That doesn't mean I don't like the idea of recycling or having less garbage thrown out, so please do not respond by bashing me. I just don't agree with the hysteria behind it all.

It's the same with the whole global warming scare. (I'm going to duck now so those wishing to throw things at me can get it out of their systems). Seriously, it's 3pm and it's only 68 chilly degrees nearing the end of May. Do not talk to me about global warming. I read an article that says the earth is warming up at 1 degree every 100 yrs. So I figure we have at least 2,000 yrs before there's any cause for increasing the SPF on sunscreen. And personally I don't believe the earth will be around that long anyhow. I happen to believe Jesus will come back long before then, so let's lighten up people.

There are things I'm willing to do as far as going green:

I will use green garbage containers

I will paint a room (maybe 2) in my house green

I will cuddle with green stuffed frogs
Ok, so that really doesn't sound like much, but there are other things I would do. I just am feeling a little extra blonde at the moment and can't think of them. Anywhoooo...there are things I certainly will NOT do:

I will not drive ugly little cars, no matter how "clean" they are

I will not walk the ditches for garbage....or an unusually large amount of water jugs.

I will not recycle garbage for everyone in the county This one needs no explanation, but suffice it to say, I will NOT being doing this!So maybe I'm not an environmentalist. Maybe I'm more of an environmentalist's nightmare, and I'm guessing I won't be on Al Gore's Christmas card list anytime soon. But, does that make me a bad person? I don't think so. In the words of my son I'm just "keepin' it real".

(ducking again)

1 comment:

The Naths said...

OMG....Those water jugs....How is he doing that? That pic of the car makes me think of those little cars in Europoe. Hardly anyone has big cars in Germany. THey're all so little! There is one thing to be conserving on energy and recycling, but everything has its exrtreme when it becomes obsession. I love all those Hollywood people who claim they are going green because it is all the fad, but then drive around in their hummers. Anyway, I'm with you on this one.