Sunday, October 05, 2008

I Hope You Dance

Yesterday was Homecoming at Ashley's college. It's been a week full of fun activities that included lots of fun and little sleep. By the end of the week she found herself at Student Health with a really bad sore throat and headache. The diagnosis was "viral" so they told her take some Tylenol or Advil and get plenty of rest. Yea right...remember back to your college days? Even during a regular week, rest was not a top priority.

Thankfully she felt better by yesterday, just in time for the parade, picnic, football game, and dance. I'm guessing she'll try to sneak in a nap today, because after all, she is my daughter and we LOVE naps. We went down for the football game yesterday and met my parents there. It was a GORGEOUS Autumn day, and even though I have admitted that I don't like Autumn, I must admit that this was a great day. It was sunny and in the low to mid 70's. For October in Iowa, we can't ask for better than that!

The dance team had their parade float on display and they helped make the tunnel for the players to run through, which they do each game, and as usual, they performed at half-time. They all looked too cute in their mini-sized football jerseys and their striped tube socks. Because Ashley is so tiny, her jersey was still way too big on her, so she (and other girls with the same problem) tied little knots in the back of the jerseys so they didn't swim in them.

The dance team dances during time-outs along the sidelines. I love watching Ashley dance. She makes it look so easy, and when you look at her face, you can tell she is loving it. It's funny because I took dance lessons all the way up through high school. I went on to school for it, but had to quit due to an injury. When I had twin daughters, I could barely wait to get them into dance lessons. They took lessons for 2 years and that's only because I had to bribe them to stay in for the 2nd year. They didn't enjoy it at all, and I was so sad when we allowed them to quit. Who would have thought that years later, they would take up dance again in high school by joining the dance team there, and who would have thought that one of my girls would continue on by making it on her college dance team. When I remember back to when they were 5, I would have bet money on that being just a crazy dream. I'm glad I would have lost that bet.

I love that song "I Hope You Dance" when it says "If you get the chance to sit it out or dance....I hope you dance." Ashley wasn't originally sure if she was going to try out for the college dance team. Seeing how talented she is at it, and seeing how much she enjoys it, I am so happy for her that she did.

And for at least the next 4 years, my dear Ashlely, I hope you dance.


Becky said...

I hope she is in tip top shape soon and finds more time for sleep. Who doesn't love a good nap ;-)

Those are great pics. Looks like a blast!

DEb said...

OK need to LOCK HER UP!! She is TOO CUTE!!! :)