Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Date Has Been Set

Ashley & Lance have set the date for their public wedding ceremony next Summer.

The church has been reserved and deposit paid.

The reception location has been reserved and deposit paid.

The photographer....well, that's still undecided at this moment. But hey, I feel good we have those two main locations done. We'll keep plugging away at the rest.

Planning this ceremony is a lot harder than I imagined, because the groom is serving in the marines overseas. He won't be back until a short time before the wedding, and Ashley doesn't want him to feel left out, so she wants to confer with him on every. single. detail.

She's so sweet and naive. I keep trying to tell her that when it comes right down to it, he cares is that she's there, he's there, and the minister is there. The rest is just blah, blah, blah for the most part.

Sure, there are some details he is interested in, but if you try to have him discuss whether to have netting or ribbon around the centerpieces for the tables, and you're going to see his eyes glass over.

So for the next year I'll be helping to plan a wedding.

Donations of advil and wine are appreciated.

1 comment:

Cindy Lou said...

Planning a much fun and so much stress!! I pray for Lance and his safe return! I can not wait until my Marine is home with me safely!! Enjoy the wedding planning! Blessings from Georgia!!