Thursday, May 15, 2008

Awards Night

Last night we had the Senior supper, followed by Senior Awards, followed by Baccalaureate.The evening started with the supper in the high school gym. Pasta with your choice of sauces, garlic toast, salad, fresh fruit, and ice cream, as well as lemonade or water.The awards ceremony started off by having each student introduce themselves, their parents, and telling what they are doing after high school, and if they are going to college, they told their major.

After that, awards were handed out. Chelsea received this medal foracademic excellence and while being active in athletics and/or the fine arts.

Next, scholarships were handed out. Both girls received a couple of scholarships so they were excited about that. After all the awards were complete, we watched the senior video. I have to brag a bit here. A mother started off volunteering to do the video. Soon she enlisted the help of her daughter, who then enlisted the help of Ashley. Ashley is one who never says no, especially if she thinks someone needs help. Soon, the mother decided she was too busy, and left the girls alone to do the work. The girl decided that since Ashley had a new lap top computer, they should put the video on there, so they can work on it at school or at either house. It didn't take long and that girl was suddenly too busy to help. So now all the burden was on Ashley. She kept trying to get it to work on her computer, but it wouldn't. We had to spend $150 on a new software program to get it to work properly. No, not something we wanted to do, but knew it needed to be done. Ashley spent every free moment she had (which isn't a lot) working on the video. The other girl did help once in a while, mostly offering opinions on how it looked when Ashley would ask. Finally she got it done, and then she had to burn many many copies for students who wanted one. When watching the video, we couldn't help but be proud of the great job she did on it!

After the video, we all headed to our church, which because it's the largest one in the area, is where baccalaureate is held each year. Our pastor started the service, students read different passages from the bible and another pastor, who has daughter graduating, gave the sermon. He did an awesome job, and of course brought tears to many of us. He talked about all the different stages in their academic and personal life and how God has helped them through each one and how if they continue to lean on him, he will continue to help them in the future. He also said your two most important things to remember as you go off to college, the military, or straight into the work force are your faith and your family. And always remember that right here in this area are the people who love you and care for you most of all.

The service ended by some of the senior girls singing "Here Am I Lord". What a beautiful song and definitely a tear jerker. The chorus goes like this:"Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart."

It was a great night, an emotional night, and a night filled with love and pride.

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