Monday, June 16, 2008

Nakita Marie

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of our losing our little Nakita Marie, whom we called Nikki (aka: Nikkerdoodles.) It's so hard to believe that a year has gone by already.
Nikki was one of the silliest dogs I have ever met. The vet agreed that she had some sort of mental disability, so she wasn't a very smart dog, but she was always so happy. Her tail would wag non-stop. Even when she was in so much pain time and time again, and she didn't want to move, her tail would still wag. She could make us smile with her sweetness, and laugh with her antics, and that will always be missed. The picture on the right was taken shortly before we took Nikki to the vet to be put out of her pain once and for all. If you look at the difference between the two pictures, you will see that in the one on the right, she is swollen and the sparkle is gone from her eyes. That picture is one of my favorite pictures though. Nikki was Ashley's dog, and if you could see this picture full size, you would see the tear just starting to fall from Ashley's eye. She knew her dog was about to be gone forever and she asked me to take one last picture. She tried to be so brave by smiling, but her true emotions show through in that single tear. What I love about that, is that I know she knows and embraces love and compassion. Not only for humans, but for Gods furry creations as well. I feel that is so important and I love that she has that inside of her.
We love and miss you Nikki. You will always have a special place in our hearts.

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