Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stress Free Saturday

I have been doing a lot of reading in books and online lately regarding ways to reduce stress. No matter how many times I read an article or chapter over and over, I always feel I read and learn something new. I know we all have a lot of stress in our lives, so I thought I'd take the opportunity of this blog to help you with your stress as well, so I'm introducing "Stress Free Saturday". Each Saturday I will write about some way I have learned to deal with and reduce stress. Feel free to let me know if you find anything particularly helpful. Or if you have tried what is written about, let us know how it worked for you and/or any adaptations you made. So here we go with the first installment of Stress Free Saturday. I hope you enjoy it.

The phone is ringing off the hook. The kids are fighting non-stop. Your spouse is asking you for the umpteenth time where a certain item is. Your boss is hounding you to get a certain paper finished. Bills are piling up. It goes on and on, day after day and it can get overwhelming. I know. Really, I do! What we have to do is remember what is most important. The answer to that will be different for everyone. For me it's family. While the kids fighting can totally get on my last nerve, I try to stop and remind myself that there was a time we were crying and praying desperately that we would be able to conceive. Hearing them fight reminds me that our prayers were answered. Jay asking me where a certain item is, is a daily occurance. I remind myself that while there are times he drives me crazy, I am so grateful that at least I have him here. I'm not sitting here while he's running off with another woman, and I'm not making his funeral arrangements. Clients can be rude, but I must remind myself that they are only there a few minutes, so there's no need to let them ruin the rest of my day just because they have decided to be nasty.

Next time you are feeling stressed out...ask yourself what is really important in your life. Then take a deep breath and ask God to help you prioritize. Then go out and enjoy the day.

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