Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's not Micky Mouse

Let me start this post by explaining that when something happens that is upsetting to me and makes me nervous or scared, I find my brain trying to help by making me think I'm anywhere but where I am. Seriously, I start speaking like I am from some other place anywhere in the world. My ancestry is almost entirely German and I live in the midwest. No accent comes from my voice. None, nada, nil. But when I get stressed, I suddenly am transported across the globe. Yesterdays event is a perfect example:

I went through the kitchen and saw a mouse run under our kitchen stove (as if I needed to say kitchen stove? Like I'd possibly have it in the bedroom?). I let out a scream. I know all about the whole "we are all Gods creatures" thing, but this is a mouse y'all. <---See, there! I'm not from the south, but I was overwhelmed to say y'all. This thing has a nose that twitches and whiskers and GERMS! There, I said it. I'm afraid of germs. Hello my name is Dena and I'm a germophobe. I climbed on a chair and called Jay on the phone and here's more proof of my brain teleporting me to various locations, ala "Where in the world is Dena?"

Dena: There is a mouse in the kitchen!
J: A mouse? How did one get in?
D: I let him in after he wiped his feet on the welcome mat. Who cares how it got in here. It's in!
J: So?
D: So???? I said it's a mouse y'all!
J: Y'all?
D: Let it go! I'm serious dude, you need to come get this thing right now!
J: Dude? Now you surf?
D: Jay, focus. There is a mo-owse in da ho-owse
J: Ah, you iz in da hood now. yo.
D: *sigh*
J: Ok, I'll get some stuff when I go to town
D: Seriously, you needs to hurry up.
J: (giggling) you sound like Elle Mae. Wanna go swimming in the cement pond?
D: I give up.

At the time of the conversation I don't even realize I'm doing this, but I know I do. I've been known to perfect my combination English/Australian accent too on certain occasions as well. Maybe it's my inner desire to travel more. Maybe it's my inner child searching for her roots. Maybe it's because I'm blonde and normally have no clue what is going to come out of my mouth.


LZ Blogger said...

Very cute story! I bet you would love Cliff Morrow's Blog. He too lives on a farm. Here's his link if you want it:
Enjoy! ~ jb///

Dena said...

Thanks for the link. I'll check him out. And I'll stop by your place as well. :)