Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Field Trip

Remember back to being a kid and the teacher would announce that tomorrow you were going on a field trip? Remember how excited you were to bring your lunch in a brown lunch bag and you sat on a school bus with your best friend and it was a day full of adventure? Sadly, those days are basically gone. Due to budget cuts, school field trips are almost extinct.

But not for the kids, like my son, who are in FFA. FFA used be known as the "Future Farmers of America" club. But due to political correctness they aren't allowed to call it that any longer because it supposedly discriminates against those who are interested in agriculture careers, but not necessarily farming. Puuuhhh-leeease. I get so tired of whiners who cry out that something isn't politically correct, but we'll save that for another post. Anyhow, the club is now known as just "FFA". Just letters. Letters that mean nothing. I won't even get started...I promise. Each year the FFA kids get to go to different conventions and shows. This year they get to attend the largest one in the nation.

Our country holds the largest agriculture show once a year and it's called the Farm Progress show. This thing is huge! It covers so many acres that they have shuttles taking you around to the different parts. People come from all over the world to see the latest and greatest in farm related equipment, and things to help make things easier and better for farmers. The location of the show changes every year, and this year it just happens to be in Iowa. To say Austin is excited is like saying a polar bear is a little bit white. He was up before the sun this morning getting ready. That's how excited he was! My son is a true farm boy. He loves being old enough to drive the tractors and just this past week he bought his first tractor to restore and he plans to exhibit it at an upcoming county and state fair once it's done. Austin's FFA advisor announced that they were taking a field trip to the Farm Progress show this year. Austin has talked about it for the past week. Seriously...for a full week. 24/7!
I wish I would have taken a picture of him before he left this morning. There was no mistaking him for being a farm boy. He wore his "Farm Boy" t-shirt, jeans, work boots, and a John Deere sweatshirt (since it's raining off and on this morning we suggested he take a waterproof jacket. His comment was "I dont have one that says anything about farming on it, so I'll just take a sweatshirt". Oh yea, that'll keep you dry for sure). He also wore his hat that he designed earlier this summer that lists our farm name on it and has picture of a pig on it as well. Nope, no one will guess he's a tourist that's for sure. He had to be at the school early this morning so they could make the drive and they will be there all day. I know he'll have a great time, but honestly, I have to say that I am so glad his FFA advisor is taking him and it's not something he or Jay suggested as a family trip. Walking around all day drooling over tractors or feeders is just not in my top 10 list of things I'd want to be doing. Yes, I know...I'm a farm wife. But I never said I was a good one.

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