Thursday, August 21, 2008

Office Ideas

Ok. Asking - no, begging for help here. As you may remember, we moved Jay out of his office and into my office so that our host student Anna could have her own room. We had decided to leave it a guest room, because we really didn't need to each have our own office for goodness sakes.

Yes we do.

I love my husband with all my heart, but if I have to continue sharing an office with him, I will lose my mind. Seriously.
He hasn't even touched his desk since we moved it in here where the computer is. He hasn't touched a single item on the entire 2 sections of wall shelves that I cleaned off for him. He piled stuff on them and walked away from them.

Now, I'm not trying to dump on Jay. He works hard...very very hard. He works long hours. I appreciate all that he does for our family, I really do. I know it leaves him very little time to worry about things like cleaning, organizing, or even just picking up his office. If he uses something, rather than putting it away, he tosses it in on the desk. That's fine if it's an occasional pen, but when it's a stack of junk mail, a screwdriver, some little gadget thingy, and a car charger for a phone, it adds up to a messy desk with no room to work.

I don't want to nag, but at the same time I have no clue where he wants this stuff. It's his stuff. If he's happy with it on the desk, that's cool with me. But that means one of us has to move out and back into the other office.

So, for the sake of harmony and peace, I'm going to move. It makes sense since I need the least amount of space. Plus, since that room will still be a guest room, I want to be sure it stays neat in the event of a guest coming. The room will remain the same with the bed and table in there. The pink however will be removed and the blues will remain (since blue is my favorite color). Ashley is taking the pink rug to her dorm room.

So here's the question.....

We each have a flat top desk for working in the office and then we also have a big computer desk with shelves. Do I dismantle the computer desk and take it into my office? Or, do I get another desk for in that room and put the laptop in there, leaving the desktop computer in the current office? Jay rarely uses the computer, but Austin would use it quite a bit for school.

What else will I need, or should I have for my office? I've not had to think about it since Jay has had a wall of shelves for me. I know I'll need storage, but not sure if wall mounted shelves or a bookcase type of shelves would be better. Any suggestions?
It's going to be a work in progress for a while I think. I'm excited, but feeling a little overwhelmed too. I will post pictures as I get it completed.

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