Monday, August 11, 2008

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves. Have any? I do, and the older I get, the more I seem to acquire. Here's my list:
  1. Leaving the cap off the toothpaste
  2. Drivers who don't use their turning signals
  3. Empty toilet tissue rolls that no one but me seems able to change
  4. Talking during a movie
  5. Texting while driving
  6. Texting while in church
  7. Speedos
  8. Children who swear
  9. TV shows/movies/commercials where parents are wimps
  10. Pharmaceutical ads
  11. People who are two-faced
  12. women who feel the need to show us nearly all of their "girls"
  13. Music so loud we're forced to listen to it, no matter how awful it is
  14. Vanity plates that I don't understand and can't figure out
  15. Having a mess inside my car
  16. Having someone use something in the house and then not putting it back
  17. Having someone tell a secret in front of you, but not including you
  18. Those who are intentionally hurtful
  19. Those who swear in front of children
  20. People who pull out in front of me and then drive slowly

There are others I'm sure, but that's my top 20 list. Do you have any that are the same? What would you add to it?

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