Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

The Good:

I didn't end up having to go to the auction yesterday with Jay after all.

The Bad:

I did end up having to miss Austin's running meet, and I was really bummed about that.

The Ugly ~ and the reason I missed the two above events:

Nasty huh? That purdy lady is me in all my uh...glory. No Jay didn't punch me, and no I didn't decide to try out Ultimate Fighting. Remember the chemical peel I had a week ago? Well obviously my eyes didn't enjoy it and have decided to make sure I never do it again.

A little swelling is normal and I have had that all over my face, but around my eyes it's more than just a little bit of swelling. I took the picture without the flash because the flash made it so the swelling didn't show up as well, and shucks, who doesn't want beauty pagent quality pictures to look at and to share with everyone else. Actually this picture doesn't do it justice. Around the lids near my eye lashes, it looks like I have a nice thick line of purple eye liner on, and I have a silver dollar-size red spot near one of my temples. Oh and my eyes are as blood shot as if I'd been on a week long drinking binge. I am at my peak of sexiness let me tell you.

I took this picture at the recommendation of my dermotologist who I will see tomorrow. She wants to compare the swelling from day one until I go in. This photo was taken at 4:00pm, which is probably the best I looked all day. I would have taken one first thing in the morning, but I was barely able to open my eyes at all, and I had to concentrate just on not bumping into things or stepping on one of the dogs in my quest to find my much needed caffeine.

I did call the doctor and she agreed that uh no, this was not part of the normal process, so she called in a prescription for me. It's prednisone...nasty, massive doses.

If you aren't familiar with prednisone, it's a steroid and it's potent. My kids have all had it at different times due to their asthma, and we always warned their teachers if they were on it. I forgot one time and actually had a Teacher call me asking what I had fed my daughter for breakfast.

The doctors exact words were "If we're dealing with the eyes, we need to knock this sucker out fast." I like a doctor who doesn't speak all technical to me. So, I took 4 pills yesterday (yep...all at once). By last night Jay had to peel me off the ceiling, and I am pretty sure I slept with my eyes wide open. I was so wired I wasn't even blinking! My poor heart was racing as if I had run a sprint race, which we all know is laughable because as I've already stated...I don't run.

So within the next 48 hours I'll probably be flitting around like Taz...but at least I will hopefully be able to see where I'm going.

Jay is actually lucky he isn't looking like this. He has been very sweet to me, but the ornery side of him couldn't resist saying "You know, this look is a good form of birth control." Although he did sweeten things up when he said "Hey you're looking better tonight. I can actually see parts of your face again." Yea, I love you too you sweet talker you.

If it's not too much to ask...prayers for my normal face to return would be greatly appreciated. Well, that and a chocolate cake.


Anonymous said...

AWWW....I'll be praying, sister!! I totally feel for ya...I have roseaca and it SUCKS..once it was so bad I would NOT go out in public!!

Jerralea said...

I'm so sorry, Dena, that you are going through this. Throughout my life I have suffered with eczema so I have had to take massive steroids, too. It always makes you grateful for the times you don't have any pain anywhere on your skin! You don't realize skin is so important until something becomes wrong with it. I'll be praying for you that you heal very quickly.

I'm new to your blog, so I was wondering why you had a chemical peel?

Dena said...

Thanks for the prayers! I think the prednisone is maybe starting to work. My eyes are both halfway open and it's not even lunch time yet. That's progress!

Jerralea - if you read this post, it'll explain why I had to have the peel:

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Oh girl, that's awful. I'm so sorry. Just remember, though, your normal face is just beautiful, and it will be back soon. :-)

Maybe this'll help: my hubby got stung by a yellow jacket in the temple day before yesterday, and his eyes looked just like yours.

On second thought, I'm really not sure which is worse!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Unbelievable--what you've been through. I'm so sorry. My face swells like this with allergies sometimes; it's NOT fun.