Saturday, September 27, 2008

You Know Your A Dog Person If...

You Know Your A Dog Person If...
...Fluffy owns a designer raincoat and you don't.
...You refrain from using your frequent flyer miles because Fluffy doesn't like to fly.
...You don't go out for lunch after church without stopping home to make sure Fluffy is ok.
...You can't stay on the computer for too long because the effort of typing while Fluffys head is lying on your wrist gets to be too much.
...You pack more stuff for Fluffy to go on a trip than you do for yourself (well...there's his favorite blankies and toys, pillows, water bowl, food dish, jackets, etc)
...You select a winter trip to New England instead of the beaches of Florida, because Fluffy prefers to play in the snow.
...Anytime you are away from Fluffy you get separation anxiety...never mind Fluffy getting it.
...You don't mind any damage that Fluffy does. Tearing your underwear, chewing on furniture, getting into the garbage just lets you know he's thinking of you.
...You use the snow blower to clear a nice winding path in the back yard for Fluffy, before clearing the sidewalk for humans.
...You drive to town in the middle of a blizzard because Fluffy is out of his favorite treats.
...You sleep in an awkward position so Fluffy has enough room on the pillow.
...Fluffy is perfectly groomed, but one look in the mirror and you realize you have forgotten to brush your own hair.
...You call yourself "Mommy" or "Grandma" in reference to Fluffy.
...Fluffy gets more email than you do.
...When selecting a new car, you consider whether there is enough room for Fluffy to lay down (never mind all Fluffys things).
...You scrunch up against the edge of the bed because Fluffy is all laid out on your side and looks so comfortable that you don't want to disturb him.
...You take Fluffy to his playgroup every week so he can see his friends.
...Fluffy his his own stocking.
...The walls in your office have turned into a Fluffy pictorial.
...Someone asks if you'd give up Fluffy for one million dollars and you are so shocked you shout "ARE YOU CRAZY? NO WAY!!!"
...When you are away from home for more than an hour you call the phone machine to say "Hi Fluffy. Mommy will be home soon, so you be a good boy. I love you."
...When you return home you can't enter without a new treat or two for Fluffy.
...You take Fluffy for his annual check and teeth scraping, while you haven't been to a doctor or dentist in over 4 years.
...You carry pictures of Fluffy in your wallet/purse.
...Your first thought when entering a 4 star hotel resort is how much Fluffy would enjoy it there.
...Fluffys meals take more time to prepare than your family's does.
...You spend more money at PetSmart than you do the Mall.
...You stay up past midnight reading all the Fluffy related blogs.
...When riding in the car with Fluffy on your lap, you drive past someone walking their Fluffy. You hold your Fluffy up to the window so he can see one of his friends.
...You won't share your breakfast with your spouse because you were planning to give it to Fluffy.
...While on vacation you call home daily to see how Fluffy is doing.
...If you don't bring Fluffy along for a visit, your friends are so disappointed.
...You give Fluffy the treat box so he can pick out which one he wants.
...You go out to eat with friends. While they talk about their children, you talk about Fluffy.
...You bite Milk Bones into smaller pieces so your baby Fluffy can eat them easier.
...You think Baby Fluffy breath is the most wonderful smell in the world.
...You select your furniture for the comfort of Fluffy.
...You spend your entire day off from work driving hours away from home to have Fluffy groomed, because that person does the best job.
...You have different voices for each Fluffy you own, and you make up conversations betweent them.
...You take 2 weeks vacation when your new baby Fluffy first comes home so you can help him acclimate himself to his new surroundings.
...You use antique family herloom candy dishes to put Fluffy's treats in.
...You find dog treats in all your pockets, but no loose change.
...You move a floral arrangement from the end table so Fluffy can look out the window.
...You find yourself nodding in agreement with the things you've just read.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, definitely not me.

HOWEVER, I substituted "DOG PERSON" for "HORSE PERSON"....hahahha...Now THAT'S me.... :)

Dena said...

I like our horses too, but they tend to hog the couch too much. hehehe