For example, it tells where people are from that have been to my blog. I had someone from Croatia visit. Croatia! I don't even know where Croatia is! And if this blog is their first insight into Americans, well, all I can say is "I'm sorry".
It said someone from London England visited and I'm sure it was the Queen Mum herself. I mean after all what could she possibly have better to do than to read about my bi-focal troubles, grocery shopping mayhem, and gross looking Halloween foods that can be served to Charles and the boys? Seriously.
Oh and I've had people from Germany visiting. This makes me a little nervous. Jay has relatives living in Germany and they travel to the United States about once every few years or so. I've met some of his cousins and they are very nice, although the language barrier does make things difficult, so maybe I only thought they liked me. But, if they are the ones reading this blog, and have been for any length of time, and if it translates automatically for them, their reply post will probably read something like this: "Sie sind ein grösserer dork", which translates to "You are a major dork". Nice.
Then I looked at the search results. This shows how people have come to my site by searching for something else. I have had people searching for new glasses, biggest loser blog, autumn shower curtains, baby emily, bi-focals, and the best one: Green Acres Costumes. That's not especially funny or anything, but think

I'm sure they were sitting there reading this blog and realizing they were most definitely in the wrong place. And I'm sure he or she sat there in their chair with a beer stein in one hand and their mouse in the other as they looked at the screen and said "Sie sind ein grösserer dork".
I used to have a blog called "Notes From The Padded Room" that I had to delete because some of my more insane relatives had googled us and were reading it. (This is why we all have blog names now.) Anyway, several people found the blog by googling "Can you buy a padded room?" This always amused me greatly. How exactly would it be delivered, I wonder?
You find the coolest things... I'm going to try this... :)
That's funny! I have mine set up so people can't google me. The only way you can read mine is if you have the address itself.
Sie sind ein grösserer dork.
There. Now you officially have it in your comment record.
:-) Cute post!
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