Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Random Dozen

Linda @ 2nd Cup is hosting this meme:

1. Which physical trait do you now accept--maybe not love, but accept--and no longer feel extremely self-conscious about?

I guess that would have to be my height. I am the shortest in my family. I was the shortest in my family growing up. The only person I ever got taller than was my 4'11" Grandmother...and I barely made it past her. I have never liked it, but I bought a "Gopher" (the tool that helps you reach things higher), and now I can be at peace with my height.

2. This week Meredith Baxter Birney, best known as the mom on the favorite 80s sitcom "Family Ties" came out of the closet, which led me to formulate this question: Who do you think is/was the best TV mom?

Caroline Ingalls. She was the right mix between firmness, and letting things slide, with the ability to laugh off things that didn't really matter.

3. Do you speak any foreign languages? Are there any you'd like to learn?

Italian - because I'd love to visit there someday.

Spanish - because one of my daughters is doing a double major, with one being Spanish, and I'd really like to know if there are times she talking about me...and what she's saying. :)

4. Who is your personal hero?

My grandmother...and yes, she is the one I was barely taller than. She was the strongest, most loving person I've ever known. No matter what life threw at her, she kept smiling, laughing, and loving life. Sadly she passed away almost 2 years ago. This past week she would have celebrated her 100th birthday.

5. What is one holiday food that you find extremely difficult to resist over- indulging in?

All of them, which is why I don't do much baking. Resisting temptation is not one of my better abilities, so I do what I can to make sure I don't have to worry about resisting. The one thing I will let myself indulge in is cheesy potatoes. Oh my goodness how I love all that cheesy carbness.

6. Tell me about a Christmas decoration that has special meaning or sentimental value.

I have a cheap wooden cut-out of a candy cane that I bought as a part of a set from a Wal-Mart type store back when Jay and I first got married. It came with paints and I painted these 20 ornaments and they went on our very first Christmas tree, which was only 3' tall and sat on a card table. Each year since then I have bought a new ornament for our tree, but I kept the candy cane ornament and still put it on our tree as a reminder of where we started from.

7. How do you feel about snow?

I'm too kind to use that kind of language here, so I'll just say "Yucky". LOL

8. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night? Not that I'm jealous of any number over three or anything.

Without drugs, I'm lucky to get 2-3. Very lucky. I finally have a new prescription medicine that has honestly felt like such a gift. I now can get at least 6-7 hours most night, and some nights even more. Plus, when I get up to use the restroom, I am able to go right back to sleep. Halleluia!

9. Tell me about your first crush.

Famous person - Barry Williams - Greg Brady from The Brady Bunch. My mom took me to meet him at a toy store. He gave me a hug and I knew that we were destined to be married when I grew up.

Non-famous person - A boy named Tim when I was in junior high. He asked me to "go out" with him and he gave me a $1.oo friendship ring (all the rage back then), and it was too big to even fit on my thumb. Tim wanted to give me a kiss after a school dance and when I said no, he broke up with me and asked out a girl who had a "reputation". The crush was over.

10. You're stuck in a room for 2 hours with only a chalkboard and chalk. What will you write/draw?

Maybe a little doodling, but that'd be it. I don't like chalkboards. There was a girl I went to school with who used to run her fingernails down the board just to drive everyone crazy with that horrible noise it makes. I cringe just thinking about that noise.

11. Do you dress for the current temp or for the day's forecast?

Here in Iowa, that's usually the same thing. The weather might change from day to day, but whatever it is in the morning, is usually not too far from what it will be in the afternoon. The only difference I would do, is perhaps wear a sweatshirt over my top that can come off later.

12. Favorite Christmas movie is?

I think it would be "Miracle On 34th Street"" (the original black and white version), but just recently there was a movie on tv called "A Dog Named Christmas", and being an animal lover, it really touched my heart.


Thena said...

I like your answer about your christmas decorations. Some celebrities really need a reality check sometimes and remember where they came from.

Heidi said...

You are the first person who I've heard of who has her grandmother listed as her hero. I love that.

Miracle on 34th is a good one indeed.

Hope you won't get too much of that "yucky" stuff that you don't like very much. heehee

SouthLakesMom said...

Greg Brady! Wow! I always liked Peter myself, probably because I was a middle child too. Funny to look back on those days!

Unknown said...

I LOVE your story about the Christmas ornament! Makes you really think and look back doesn't it? Wow! I think that's the most wonderful one I've seen yet...and I'm almost done!

Susanne said...

Italian would be a nice language to learn. You'd have to add the hand gesturing for sure with it to make it authentic. :v)

I'm sorta like you on the baking. If I make it, I eat it.