Saturday, April 10, 2010

Project 365 ~ Week 15

Sunday - 4/4 Happy Easter!

Before getting ready for church, I "surprised" all 3 kids with Easter baskets full of goodies. The surprise was that I didn't try to torture them by having them hunt for the goodies. LOL

Then we headed to the church. Each year, the high school youth group serves breakfast between the two services as their main fundraiser. This picture shows Austin & some of the other youth putting the finishing touches on getting things set up before the people start arriving.

Oh...and a funny about this picture....I hope you're all happy because taking this picture caused me to get chewed out by Austin. He said "Seriously mom, can't you take a break for one day from 365?" I calmly replied with a grin "Nope, that'd make it a 364 instead." He didn't find the humor and when a girl asked what that meant, he shook his head and said "Nevermind." LOL

Monday - 4/5

Yard clean up day around our acreage. Not a fun job to do, but a good one to have done.

Tuesday - 4/6

Menu planning day. I typed up and printed out my menu plan and grocery shopping list for two weeks.

Wednesday - 4/7

Now that menus are done, I took my grocery list and my bags and headed to the store today.

Thursday - 4/8

Shoe shopping!!! ('nuff said)

Friday - 4/9

I made jumbo-sized GF muffins today. This picture doesn't do the size of these muffins justice. This cooling rack normally holds 12 regular muffins easily. They really are JUMBO. My plan is to cut them in half and use them as hamburger buns (or as my substitute bread when the family wants to go to Subway). We'll see how it works. :)

Saturday - 4/10

Austin was in a vocal competition this morning. He did awesome and I love hearing how his voice is growing and maturing.

He sang a solo first....

....and then he was part of an all male ensemble.

So that was our was your week? Be sure to visit Sara through the link in the sidebar to check out other photos.


Anonymous said...

Where do I get the Iowa State grocery bags?? I NEED some of those!

sara said...

fun to have all you kids home for Easter!!

I think we have all had a comment from our kids like Austin's at one point or another!!! :) keep it up!!!

those muffins look great!

riTa Koch said...

364 response, LOL
2 wk menu!!! Do you stick to it?
Grocery bags, I always forget to take them in the store.
How's GFing going?
Strength and health to you!

Tori said...

I love that 365 is such a part of your life! My son makes comments too.
Shoe shopping sounds wonderful! What did you pick?
I am guessing Austin is a baritone by where he is standing in the ensemble. How long has he been singing?
Have a super week!!

Willys and Elizabeth (Lizzie) said...

great week... and yummy muffins!

Dena said...

Hy-Vee has the ISU bags...sounds like you need to roadtrip down here. They are great and larger than most.

I stick to the menu, but it usually lasts longer than 2 weeks. There are nights when we are gone, so Wednesdays supper may be on Friday instead.

GF is going pretty well. The only thing I miss is good soft multi-grain or whole wheat bread. I'm a sandwich girl...I could eat a sandwich every day and never get tired of it. Not being able to have one is the hardest part for me.

I think Austin is now finally settling in as a baritone. His director has moved him from tenor to bass and back again several times. He has been singing in school choirs since Kindergarten, but last year he started doing school musicals and also contests.

The Bug said...

I have boring old grocery store cloth bags - I should look around for something more interesting! But NOT Ohio State. I try to be a fan, but I'm just not. Maybe NC State instead.

Dr. M used to be the cook in the family, but after he got his FT teaching job he just doesn't have the time or energy. So for the first time in our 19 year marriage I'm trying to plan menus, grocery shop, & cook (or start & let him finish). I'm 46 for heaven's sake - it's a rude awakening!