Saturday, August 21, 2010

Project 365 ~ Week 33 & 34

We took our Camper down on Sunday to the State Fairgrounds Exhibitor Campgrounds, and we came down to stay starting on Wednesday. So far we're having a great time, except the heat and humidity was relentless the first few days.

Sunday - 8/8

We've had a lot of rain lately, and I'm sure you've heard about it on the news. We're not sure if it's coincidence, or something to do with all the rain, but we keep seeing these white frogs, which we have never seen before. One actually was inside the house last week. They aren't very big, but they climb up walls, which is creepy...this one is on the outside of a window while it was storming around 10pm.

Monday - 8/9

I took Gabby and Tucker to the vet. I'm guessing Tucker wasn't too thrilled to be there, since he immediately went into hiding mode. LOL

Tuesday - 8/10

Austin washed up his restored tractor before taking it to the fair for judging that will take place later in the week..

Then he came in and put some finishing touches on the write-up that tells all he did to restore the tractor. The judges will read through this when they do their judging.

Wednesday - 8/11

 This is along I-35 as I drove to the fairgrounds. The river is behind the trees in the far back, and in front of the trees are some poor farmers fields.  At this point the water was still rising, and within an hour after I went past this point, they started to re-route traffic due to water on the roads.

Thursday - 8/12

We have had heat indexes of 110 degrees and higher, with very high humidity. It's miserable. It's so relentless that the a/c in our camper just can't keep up. We ended up putting aluminum foil over the windows to keep out the heat. It had been around 90 degrees in the camper (even at night), but now it's a nice, comfortable 75 degrees. Much better...even if we do look like Rednecks. LOL

Friday - 8/13

I knew a flare was coming. I felt it coming on yesterday, but prayed I was wrong. Jay took this picture of me when I was sleeping in the camper. See how red my face is? That's what is known as the "fibro-flush". Having your face bright red is common before and during a flare. Jay used to always ask if I had a fever, but now he knows what's going on too.

 Unfortunately, the flare that had me in bed, made me miss cousin Cassie as she competed in the Cowgirl Queen Contest. A good friend of mine sent this picture she took of her in the barn while getting ready for the contest.

Saturday - 8/14

Super Bull! This bull topped the scales to be the biggest bull in Iowa.

Sunday - 8/15

My family teases me because I like watching Cops on tv. We were in the Law And Flame building today and they took my picture as a "cop". lol

Monday - 8/16

My sister-in-law Jodi and I walking down one of the main roads. You never know what we will be talking about when we get together, but it's usually a random mix of topics.

Tuesday - 8/17

This lady sold candy and dried fruits at a booth, and Ashley and I bought some to send to Lance. When the lady found out where it was going, she put a couple of handfuls of  a dried fruit and nut mix in a bag and told Ashley to send those along and to tell Lance they were from the candy lady. She also said to tell him that she'll be keeping him in her prayers. I wanted to take her picture to send along, but she didn't want it taken alone, so the girls got in with her. :)

Wednesday - 8/18

Big Boar! That's a whole lot of bacon! lol

Thursday - 8/19

Nephew Jacob showed pigs in the 4-H show today.

Friday - 8/20

It rained almost the entire day today, so we went and got our passports that we'll need for  next Spring. Then we did school shopping for Austin, and we stopped at a Cabela's type store before heading back to the fair.

Saturday - 8/21

My picture of the day won't be taken until later tonight, so I am posting this picture that was taken earlier. This is Ashley with her brothers and sisters in law (minus one brother). The other brother happened to be showing his cow that same day that we were showing pigs, so inbetween his classes they came over to say hi.

Tonight is the night I've been waiting for since buying the tickets a few months ago. Sugarland is my favorite country singing duo. I know almost all the words to all their songs. I bought tickets to go to their show last January, but unfortunately I wasn't able to go due to the severity of my Fibromyalgia at the time. I cried the night of the concert and actually prayed that I'd be strong enough to go see them one day. I never would have imagined they would be coming back here so soon, and I am beyond excited to know that I can actually go this time!


The Bug said...

I love all your pictures this week. Sorry the fair is so steamy - I'm guessing it's like this most years?

I'm really glad you get to go to the concert - I remember when you weren't able to go last time & how devastated you were.

sara said...

the frog looks like it glows in the dark!!

I wish we would get some of your rain!!! we need it, we are burning up!

I had to laugh at the foil, but hey, whatever works!!!

I love that the candy lady put extra in for Lance!

Yea for Sugarland!!! you enjoy it!!!

Kelly said...

Loved, loved, loved the pictures. Looks like everyone had a good time!

Skoots1moM said...

i've never seen a white frog...
hope it cools off for you soon

sorry you had a flare...i have that red thing going on with my hormones...usually around 2am & 2pm every weird.

have a GREAT week!

Kim said...

I'd rather be a cool redneck than a hot anything else! :)

Love, love, love the fair and I hope you ate an elephant ear (or funnel cake or whatever it's called in Iowa) on my behalf :) As well as lots of other yummy fair food. My favorites are the vegetable displays and the baby animals. Oh, and the handmade items like quilts, paintings, etc. I'm very excited that next year we'll be in the U.S. for our county fair. Yippee!

Looking forward to hearing how Austin did with his tractor.

Tori said...

Oh my word..that bull and pig are HUGE!! I love the foil in the camper! I'm going to have to remember that trick. Whatever it takes to stay cool.
So glad you were able to see the concert! I bet you were the loudest singer there!!
Have a super week!

Lori said...

Do you have cock-a-poos? They look so much like my Casey. He is a wonderful dog and the first cock-a-poo that we have had.

I'm thinking that the aluminum foil was a great idea that I would never have thought of...

Loved the fair pictures. We missed our fair this year. That is one big bull! Have a great week.

He & Me + 3 said...

Your pictures were so interesting this week. Loving all the animal shots. I hope that you are feeling all better. So glad you are able to go see the concert. I just love Sugarland too. They are awesome. I saw them a few years back when they were touring with Kenny Chesney. Great show.

Robin Lambright said...

I'd be putting up the foil as well! Great idea!

Sorry about your flair up. i have several friends at church that suffer from FM. I hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your week!

The fair looked like great fun!


Dena said...

No, Lori, we have Bichons. :)

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers. My flares actually went away pretty quickly, which I was very happy about. I am hoping it's a trend that continues.

The Davidson Den said...

What is up with the white frogs??! I've not heard anything about that phenomenon. Sounds pretty plague-y to me. Ewww.

I'm not sure you're really a Redneck if you admit you're a Redneck. Just a thought...and an excuse to keep that foil up as long as you need it. (I'm all about ways to stay cool lately...)

What a SWEET Candy Lady!! (Get it?)

So glad you got to go to the concert! Yay!