Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The title describes Ashley's day Today.

The good is that she met with her future college roommate "J" to go shopping to pick out things for their dorm rooms "omg Mom, we can't have our stuff clash". Can you imagine a couple of guys getting together to shop for matching things for their room? I asked Austin if he'd do that and he said "Mom, no straight guy in America would do that." Good to know.

The bad is that Ashley and "J" had a really hard time finding things. They wanted their comforters to go together, but not totally match. They finally found 2 small throw pillows they liked. One was in block patterns and the other was polka-dot. So they each got a different solid color comforter in one of the colors on the pillow, and then each got the two pillows. "J" bought a rug (heaven knows you can't survive college without a matching rug on your dorm room floor!) and Ashley found stackable containers that matched their colors in their comforters. The other bad was that they ran out of time to keep shopping for things to put on the walls, so the walls will have to be bare for the first few days. Oh the horror and shame.

The ugly is Ashley's teeth. Well, not all of them. She actually has beautiful teeth, and I know that because we still have a copy of the bill from the Orthodontist to prove it. The ugly ones are her wisdom teeth. She had her check-up today and they are visible, but only by x-rays because they are very impacted. There is absolutely no room for them to ever come in. If they aren't removed they will eventually turn and start to come out the side of the gums. Sounds like fun times huh? Sadly, I know all too well what it's like to go through this. I had the exact same problem when I was exactly the same age. The only difference is that I only had 3 wisdom teeth and they were already starting to turn.

I was curious as to why they are called "Wisdom Teeth" when they are actually just a 3rd set of molars. Wikipedia says: They are generally thought to be called wisdom teeth because they appear so late—much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are arguably wiser than as a child, when the other teeth erupt.

When I had mine removed, I had to seen an Oral Surgeon, which is what Ashley will have to do. We set her consultation appointment up for next month. I was given general anethesia and woke to find my mouth totally stuffed full of gauze. It reminded me of my days I spent with friends trying to see how many marshmallows we could stuff in our mouth before one of us choked or threw up. Yep, I had sophisticated friends. The problem with the gauze is that it tastes worse, plus you can't take it out. Then the anethesia wears off and you are begging for drugs! But the stitches are so tight you can barely get your mouth open big enough to get the pill inside. And of course that pill is like metal and the stitches are magnets causing the pill to hit every single sore spot on the way down.

The best memory I have of having my wisdom teeth surgically removed is that my Grandmother, who knew I loved her homemade tapioca pudding, made me a giant bowl full of it and brought it over to me. Aren't Grandma's just the best?!

We will set up the extractions for during Ashley's Christmas break so she doesn't have to miss any classes. While I'm not looking forward to seeing her in pain, I am looking forward to having the chance to be "mommy" again and to look after my little girl.

With Ashley & Chelsea being identical twins, odds are higher that Chelsea will have impacted wisdom teeth as well. She has her appointment in a week and a half when she has time off from work to be able to go. Identical twins can have up to 20% of their genetic make-up be different, and we're hoping part of her 20% is not having any wisdom teeth. Fingers are crossed!

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