Monday, August 25, 2008

Tuckers Appt

Tucker has been licking and chewing on his front legs and paws for over a week now. I have used apple cider vinegar (a recommended home remedy) which has helped some, but not taken care of it completely so this morning we went to the vet. Here's how the appointment went, according to Tucker:

So where we goin' mom? The park? Huh? Huh? We goin' to the park? I love the park!

Hey wait a second....this is NOT the park!

Ok, I don't think I wanna be on this table!

Promise me you won't let anyone stick me with anything...ok?

Yea, yea, we're adorable. Now put your phone away and lets get outta here!

Mom, look! I think I found a way out!

Yep, I'm pretty sure it's a way out. Help me mom. I don't have thumbs like you do.
See what happened? You let the doctor come in and now my leg is shaved. He has sores on his leg the vet said. Not sure what it's from she said. He keeps chewing on them and making it worse she said. He has to leave them alone she said. We can't risk him licking off the ointment she said. I promised them that I'd be good, but noooooo. They go ahead and stick this thing on me anyway. How can I ever face the gang looking like this?
What? We're home? Ok. But it's hard to hear inside this thing. You're gonna have to speak up. By the long is a week? Do I really have to wear this thing for that long?

We're hoping it's just an area that itched and then got infected and not an allergy. Finding out what it is he could be allergic to is not fun. We went through that with Gabby.

1 comment:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh, the pitiful cuteness! I hope he got pampered after all of that.