Friday, December 05, 2008

A Little Too Obvious?

When I was out Christmas shopping the other day I saw this on a shelf:

Remember the old brown paper sacks you used to take your lunch in? That's about how big this bag was, and what really made me laugh is when I took a closer look at the bag. See what it says:

Did some corporate genius really feel including this disclaimer was necessary? Have they had lawsuits from angry clients over the fact they didn't know there was no snow included in this tiny bag? Or have many people demanded refunds since not all items were included?

Sometimes things I see just make me shake my head and laugh.


The Naths said...

LOL! That's great! Some of those disclaimers are so dumb! Like the one on the frozen pizza telling you not to eat it while it is still frozen.

Janet said...

scary that we have to do that now...

LZ Blogger said...

What?! NO SNOW included? Oh well... you'll have more than you want in just a few weeks! ~ jb///