Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Moment Of Silence Please

Look at the picture. That is an empty salsa jar that has been filled with something. Can you tell what it is? Any guesses? Here's a hint...Remember the picture of our hot tub that I posted a couple of weeks ago? This is the same thing only in our kitchen.

Yep, it's water...from our well. Our well has died.

We have black water throughout the house...In our sinks, in our toilets, and in our showers & tubs...everywhere.

We've talked to the well service companies about getting a new well dug, but they are really busy at the moment and are guesstimating it'll be about 2 weeks before they can get to us - which means possibly 3-4 weeks before its done! ACK!

Think about going up to a month with no water in your house. Yes, we can still use the toilets, but no showering. No washing your face or hands. No brushing your teeth. No doing laundry or dishes (wait...maybe this isn't all bad lol). No cleaning the floors. No water for us or the dogs to safely drink.

Thankfully my wonderful in-laws are allowing us to invade their shower. While it's not convenient, it IS greatly appreciated. I'll go to a laundromat to do our laundry. Fun times huh?

So, I'm off to the dollar store for paper plates and cups. I'll also get bottled water for us to drink and jugs of bottled water (for the dogs and for brushing our teeth). I'll get an electric razor for the guys, plus some hand wipes to keep in the kitchen. Oh, and I'll need to stock up on Swiffer thingys for cleaning the floors.

Anything else I have forgotten?



sara said...

I think you should move into your camper for a while!! At least you could hook up to water! might even be cheaper than all that bottled water!

so sorry!!!

Fran said...

2 weeks! So far so good for the e different properties we've had that have wells over the years. OY indeed!